Queenstown Airport (ZQN) Airport Statistics

Queenstown Airport Passenger Data

How many passengers fly in to or out of Queenstown Airport per year ?
2,383,350 passengers flew in or out of Queenstown Airport in 2023 representing an increase of 27.88% when compared to 2022 (1,863,758).
How many passengers fly in or out of Queenstown Airport every month?
249,916 passengers flew in or out of Queenstown Airport in January 2024 representing an increase of 4.66% when compared to January 2023 (238,786).

Queenstown Airport Monthly Passenger Comparison


Delayed/Cancelled Flight Compensation Calculator

Queenstown Airport Statistics: Frequently Asked Questions

How many passengers fly in or out of Queenstown Airport every month?
249,916 passengers flew in or out of Queenstown Airport in January 2024 representing an increase of 4.66% when compared to January 2023 (238,786).
How many passengers fly in to or out of Queenstown Airport per year ?
2,383,350 passengers flew in or out of Queenstown Airport in 2023 representing an increase of 27.88% when compared to 2022 (1,863,758).
How many passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in January 2024
249,916 passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in January 2024
How many passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in December 2023
211,187 passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in December 2023
How many passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in November 2023
185,056 passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in November 2023
How many passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in October 2023
211,187 passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in October 2023
How many passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in September 2023
203,724 passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in September 2023
How many passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in August 2023
213,676 passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in August 2023
How many passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in July 2023
212,211 passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in July 2023
How many passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in June 2023
163,152 passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in June 2023
How many passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in May 2023
148,089 passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in May 2023
How many passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in April 2023
199,013 passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in April 2023
How many passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in March 2023
209,678 passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in March 2023
How many passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in February 2023
187,591 passengers flew in to or out of Queenstown Airport in February 2023