Trains to and from Palmerston North Airport (PMR)

Trains are not available at Palmerston North Airport. Passengers are advised to choose other modes of ground transportation when visiting this area.

Car rental services are available near the Palmerston North Airport, providing travelers with convenient and affordable access to their destinations. Visitors can also take advantage of taxis, shuttles, and rideshare apps for getting around town.

A bus service runs from the airport to downtown Palmerston North and other nearby locations. For those looking for an easy way to travel further distances within New Zealand. Inter-city coach services offer direct trips from all major cities in the country, including Wellington and Auckland.

The journey typically takes two to four hours, depending on your destination. Whatever transportation you choose when visiting Palmerston North Airport, it’s essential to plan ahead so that you arrive at your final destination safely and on time.

Please contact the airport information desk for more updated information on your ground transportation in the region.

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